Jiří Sádek studied at Secondary School of Applied Arts in Prague, majoring in Film and Theater Set Design. After finishing the school he joined the Film Academy of Miroslav Ondricek in Pisek, Audio-Visual Creation.
His short debut “Neříkej hop” won the 2nd place Audience Award during the Night of Film Talents at NOVA TV. He also won the 1st place at the festival in Aero cinema and few other regional prizes. Film “Neříkej hop” competed in international festivals of “short and students films” in Holland, Serbia, Poland, Italy, Great Britain and Japan. His author´s short film “Pan Pozdě” won the Best Feature Film and the Best Screenplay Prize at the International Student Film Festival in Pisek, 2011. “Pan Pozdě” was screened at the Prague Short Film Festival and was nominated for London Student Film Festival in category of the Best Short Film and the Best Film shot on 16mm.
As the film “Neříkej hop”, so the film “Pan Pozdě” were chosen to be shortlisted for the Magnesia prize for the Best Student Film at the annual Czech Lion Film Awards (Český Lev). Jiří Sádek finished undergraduate studies at FAMO in Pisek with his gradiuation film “Psí jeskyně”.
After rejection at FAMU in Prague and NFTS Jiří worked for several years in the commercial sector. His feature debut “Polednice” with famous Czech actresses Anna Geislerová and Daniela Kolářová, premiered in March 2016. The film was shot by the classical method on 35mm film.
Jiří Sádek, inter alia, is currently engaged in a dubbing directing for HBO, AXN and Disney Channel.