
Graduate of the Film Academy of Miroslav Ondricek in Pisek (Production) and the University of Economics in Prague (Diplomacy). She studied the camera with FAMO professors, Jiří Myslík and Rudolf Adler in Hradec Králové.

Romi completed her intership at McGill University, Montreal, in 2008. Long-term cooperates with director Jan Svatoš, with him made a number of documentaries, most of which competed at international film festivals. 

Camera : 

Africa obscura (2001)

Afropolis (2012)

divoČINY (2013)

Z okapu už vodu nepiju (2014)

Velké losování (2014)

Hradčanské nokturno (2014)

Causa carnivora (2015)

Archa světel a stínů (2016)