We spent the 23rd and 24th of February 2023 amongst our friends with whom we’re partnering on the international project Youth Moving which is co-financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program.
Over these couple of days we finalized plans for our Learning Teaching Training activities for the project which will take place at FAMO in Pisek at the end of March 2023. During this jam packed week of activities social workers and disadvantaged youth will present and take part in workshops aimed to enhance the capacity of such youth to participate in democratic processes. FAMO will be teaching them how to maximize the use of simple and accessible video making tools so that they can better voice their opinions on social media.
The international team with whom we’re working on this project includes:
Centar Sirius – Croatia
APDES – Portugal
DGASPC Harghita – Romania
Co&So – Italy
Forum za kvalitetno udomiteljstvo djece – Croatia