The Youth Moving Project’s week-long learning teaching training activity takes place in Pisek with youth and youth workers present from Croatia, Italy, Czech, Romania and Portugal.

The Youth Moving Project’s Learning Teaching Training activities held at FAMO in Pisek have come and gone.
A week full of workshops by youth workers and youth from Croatia, Czech, Italy, Portugal and Romania aimed at increasing participation in democratic processes by youth who have grown up detached from their biological parents.
Youth Moving is a co-funded by the European Union’s 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ program, with international partners (including us) from Croatia’s Centar Sirius and Forum za kvalitetno udomiteljstvo djece, Italy’s Co&So social cooperative, Romania’s DGASPC HR and Portugal’s APDES.
FAMO’s primary participation in this project was the making of the short documentary film ‘The Nest’ which follows the emotional and inspirational experiences of 4 young women who live in / have left alternative child care (including children’s homes, foster care and adoption).