The official poster for our film the Nest has been chosen.
This film is the culmination of FAMO’s participation in Youth Moving project which is co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ program.
Every film needs a poster, and ‘THE NEST’ – the documentary we’re creating as part of the Youth Moving project – is no exception.
This documentary forms an important part of the Youth Moving project we’re participating in, and aims to give voice to those who have grown up separated from their biological parents in alternative child-care.
This beautiful piece was drawn by our graduate and animator / illustrator, Lev Ushtei.
FAMO in Pisek is working on this Youth Moving project, which is co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program, in cooperation with an international team which includes:
Centar Sirius – Croatia – coordinator
APDES – Portugal
Home PT
DGASPC Harghita – Romania
Co&So – Italy
Forum za kvalitetno udomiteljstvo djece – Croatia